GeoScan is here!
For many of GeoCash users, today is a BIG day. Within a few hours of this blog post, we will be releasing our hotly anticipated Geo Network app GeoScan, a collaboration between GeoDB and the AboutGoods Company.
What is GeoScan
It is a mobile app (Android and iOS) where you can share your shopping receipts and some profile data to exchange personalized stats and get rewarded in GEOs. Thus, geoScan helps you to keep track of your expenses and be aware of what you buy. How does geoScan work?
The process is too easy; you only need to take a picture of a receipt and confirm that you want to share the photo. After that, the receipt image and your profile data will be sent to the GEODB ecosystem, anonymizing your data and sending it to AboutGoods.
AboutGoods will analyze the receipt image and process all the information, applying the ultimate artificial intelligence techniques. Once they get a result, they will notify GEODB’s ecosystem of the result of the analysis, and if everything is correct, the receipt data will be updated in the app. The receipt will be submitted to be rewarded by a smart contract.
Main functionalities
Below, there are briefly described the main features of geoScan.
Data anonymity.
Each user will log in to the app using their Apple or Google accounts. This will provide a temporary token that we will use to create a pseudo-user, so neither GEODB nor AboutGoods stores confidential data such as emails or names. Apart from that, the app will not ask users any personal information that can be used to discover their identity; examples are year of birth, pets, gender, family members, postal code. None of these fields are mandatory, so the user can leave them blank, but the more they share, the better stats and more rewards will receive. The only required data to share a receipt is the geolocation and specifying a wallet address to receive the rewards.
Integration with geoCash.
We know that people want to use our app but may not have previous knowledge of cryptocurrency or don’t have a crypto wallet. For this reason, geoScan is integrated with GeoCash, which includes some basics about cryptocurrency and allows users to create a crypto wallet and to claim the obtained rewards. History of receipts. You can access all the receipts that you have shared. That is their content, the amount of reward, and the original picture that you sent. This is helpful because you don’t always need to have all your paper print receipts together, as you have a backup in geoScan — rewards in a publicly traded token. Receipts are rewarded in GEO, which is a token that can be used for trading. Once the system double-checks that a receipt is valid and processes it, this receipt is sent to a smart contract to be rewarded. The reward of each receipt is not instantaneously allocated, as it is computed considering all receipts within the same block. That means that there might be a certain delay since a receipt is processed until its reward is calculated.
Personalized stats.
GeoScan provides two kinds of stats: reward and receipt stats. The former contains the stats of the rewards obtained by the user in a week, a month, and a year. The main screen also shows the total number of GEOs rewarded to the user since they started using the app. The latter provides essential information about the receipts shared by the user, such as the money spent in each category (food, leisure, personal health…), store, or comparison with similar users in your region. This functionality is still in progress.
First availability in France
After the huge user success of GeoCash, our focus is now to bring real adoption to GeoDB — ODIN ecosystem. We now focus our efforts where we have buyers ready to buy our data. This is one of the reasons we want to concentrate on France to start with. As we get more interest from other countries, we will slowly expand there.
Thank you, everyone, for your tremendous support so far! We continue to evolve!
Team GeoDB